Child Admission Policy - Public

The Management and Staff of Sligo Regional Sports Centre aim to ensure children
feel they are in a safe, welcoming yet focused environment where they can
undertake challenging and enjoyable activities. We also want to make sure that
children are protected and kept safe from harm while they are in the centre. Most
importantly we recognise that children are here to have fun and learn new skills.

Children up to the age of 8 must be accompanied by a responsible adult (Age
18 years or over). The supervision ratio in the pool for children up to the age of 8 is 1 Adult to 2

Adult fitness classes are strictly for age 16 and over. Children under the age
of 16 age are not allowed into adult classes when they are taking place.

You can become a gym member of Sligo Regional Sports Centre when you
reach the age of 16 but parental consent is required on joining when you are 16 or
17 years old.

To use the gym, you must be over 16 years old.

Any person using Sligo Regional Sports Centre will always observe directions
and instructions given by the staff regarding the use of Sligo Regional Sports Centre
and its facilities and equipment.

All Centre users are kindly requested to abide by the centre’s rules and regulations.